
We are a group of college graduates settling into, well, life. What does one do with four years of higher-education knowledge and workplace skills? No, apparently getting jobs is not the correct answer (thank you, convenient economic slump). Obviously, our next-brightest idea was to strike up a webcomic of sorts. Yeah, we're just smart like that. Putting our degrees to good use!

We've been asked many times what "TLofA" exactly means, if it's symbolic or if it stands for something. And trust us, it means something. Really, it does! We're just not going to tell you. Being the bright people we are, we've decided to keep it under wraps for now, the proverbial jack-in-the-box waiting to be sprung. Stay tuned.

So without further ado, strap on in, grab some Cheetos, and enjoy our tales and foibles. But if you want to maintain some form of sanity, don't check the timestamps on our updates. Seriously. Don't.